Entries by Inbound Developer

Should I Wash Fruits & Vegetables I Buy at the Grocery Store in a Fruit & Veggie Wash?

Should I Wash Fruits & Vegetables I Buy at the Grocery Store in a Fruit & Veggie Wash? By Bill Adler, MPH, RS Technical Food Safety Consultant Fruits and veggies from the grocery store have wax on them.  This keeps the moisture in from the time of picking to the time you buy them. But […]

Produce has pores!

Back a few years ago when the economy was tough and pennies were being pinched, I worked for a “natural” products company. Most people were not interested in looking at our products let alone buying, so I reverted to demonstrating washing grapes with their natural dish soap! It worked for the most part. Until one […]

What Flavor?

I am continuously amazed at what happens when kids eat grapes at our grocery store demonstrations. We wash red grapes to show off what truly clean grapes can taste like and kids respond. Of course, most kids love grapes and for certain, kids are “unfiltered”. By that I mean they will tell you straight up […]

I can't get these apples clean!

Have you ever had this happen to you… or perhaps one of your kids took a bite out of an apple, promptly saying this apple doesn’t taste good then throwing it away before you have a chance to do anything? I recently received an email from one of my customers saying, “I buy a smaller […]

I’m spoiled, these grapes have no flavor!

One of my customers snapped a picture of their plate at a recent event they attended and sent it to me with the heading “I’m spoiled, these grapes have no flavor!” Why would they do this? I know… and if you use my fruit and vegetable wash, you know as well. It’s entirely possible that […]

Wellness Renaissance Podcast Featuring Green Gene!

Gene was recently in Duluth, MN for a Fruit & Veggie Washing Demo and he sat down with Judy Breuer of Wellness Renaissance to talk about what led him to create his unique Fruit & Veggie wash. They also talk about what is on our food and why washing our produce is so important. Click here […]